A Better Way to Learn Science

Discover a fresh approach with Real Science-4-Kids! Unlike traditional science programs, we introduce students to authentic science terms and concepts from the get-go. Dive in and watch your student grasp 'real' science the way it's meant to be learned - accurately and enthusiastically from the start!

  • About Us

    Dr. Rebecca Woodbury founded Gravitas Publications in 2003, offering hands-on science curricula for K-8.

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  • Our Learning Approach

    We do things a little differently. At the heart of our educational approach is a commitment to divergence from the norm.

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  • Our Products

    Our books and experiments are designed to provide comprehensive and engaging learning opportunities for all students.

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New! RS4K Science

Hardcover text on premium paper and includes digital lesson plan, study folder, and quizzes.

Lexile Scored Readers

Softcover & Hardcover available.



How is Real Science-4-Kids different from traditional science programs?

Many public school science textbooks, especially at the elementary level, present a surface-level array of "sciencey" topics, embellished with attractive visuals, rather than diving into genuine scientific content. This kind of instruction falls short, leaving students ill-equipped to handle science in the later grades and critically evaluate scientific information later in life.

Real Science-4-Kids flips the traditional narrative. Instead of giving students a simplistic overview of science in the elementary grades and introducing real science concepts later on, we introduce real science vocabulary and content starting in first grade so they are better prepared for high school and college.

Is my homeschool a fit for RS4K & RATATAZ?

Our products are not for every homeschool family. We don't want to sell our products to you if they don't fit your homeschool environment.

If you can answer yes to these questions, your homeschool is a fit for RS4K & RATATAZ:

1. I prefer real world hands-on activities and print books for my child over video instruction.

2. I plan to spend time with my child while they are using RS4K books and RATATAZ kits to facilitate their learning.

3. I believe that "play" is an integral part of learning science and I encourage my child to make a mess with the hands-on activities.

4. I want my child to learn science in a way that prepares them for upper level science courses and I am comfortable learning science alongside them if needed.

What age should I start Real Science-4-Kids?

Grades K-2: If your child is not reading, we recommend using our informational text Readers paired with hands-on activities. Our series of informational readers are a great way to introduce foundational science content in a fun and engaging format. Pair these with simple outdoor physics, biology, geology, and astronomy activities or indoor kitchen chemistry and your young budding scientist is off to a great start.

Grades 3-5: As your child grows, it's important to begin more structured learning with the Exploring Science Book 1. Before purchasing, ensure the reading level is appropriate for your child. Once they've grasped the concepts in Book 1, we recommend proceeding through the subsequent books in the Exploring Science series. Complement their learning with our experiment repository, providing a selection of hands-on activities to reinforce theoretical knowledge.

Grades 6-12: As students progress into their teenage years, it's crucial to maintain continuity in their science education. Complete the Exploring Science series and utilize the advanced experiments in our experiment repository.

Why do you recommend starting with chemistry?

Learning chemistry first is like discovering a hidden passageway that leads to a profound understanding of all science. Many adults dislike chemistry, but that's only because they didn't have the chance to learn it as a kid. Learning chemistry is actually easy, if it's broken down into bite-sized pieces and if students are allowed to explore the vocabulary and concepts through both direct-instruction and student-led hands-on experiments. Chemistry is like the grand master key - unlocking deeper understanding in other subjects. For example, sound is easier to understand if students understand molecular motion, weight is easier to understand if students understand the distinction between mass and gravitational force, and the behavior of materials is easier to comprehend when one recognizes the underlying atomic interactions. Chemistry serves as the grand master key that unlocks a deeper understanding across a wide range of subjects.

Can I still buy the Focus On books and older Building Block Books?

Yes! We still have them even though they are not on our website. Contact us at office@gravitaspublications.com and we can process an order for you.

What happened to the Laboratory Notebook and Teacher's Manual?

The Laboratory Notebook and Teacher's manual have been replaced by the RATATAZ kits. The RATATAZ kits are a more comprehensive way of learning by doing hands-on science. There are five task cards in each kit and all the materials are provided. The first four tasks give students instructions for how to do the experiments and the fifth task ask students to solve a problem using their new skills.

Is the new Science series an update of the older Building Block Books?

Yes. We updated the look of the Building Block series and renamed it Science. Some changes have been made to the graphics and there are minor corrections to the text. The Study Folder and Quizzes are the same.

Isn't teaching science hard? How do I get started?

Teaching science doesn't have to be hard. Our books present authentic science (real vocabulary and concepts like atoms) organized in a way that makes it easy for parents or teachers to teach and easy for kids to learn. Still not feeling confident? Click here for more help.

Do you accept purchase orders?

Yes! We accept purchase orders. You can send your purchase orders to office@gravitaspublications.com If you are a large co-op or school ask us about bulk discounts.